Tourisme médical en Israel

Our terms of sale are in compliance with the general terms of sale fixed by the interministerial decree number 94-490 of June 15, 1994 taken in application from the article 31 of the law 92-645 of July 13, 1992 fixing the conditions for organization and travel sale activities. If you wish, we remain at your disposal to detail these conditions.
The registration to one of our trips implies the acceptation of the general terms of sale as well as the specific terms précised on the registration form or on the website www.tourismoftheworld.com. In the case of a privatized or tailor-made trip, the specific terms of sale (deposit, exchange rate, airport taxes, canceling fee), the ones indicated on the page of the specific travel, are taken into account.
You can either register by email or fax, by sending a deposit of 50 %, either by internet, sending a deposit of 50 % or 100 %. If, when ordering, you decide to pay 100 % by Internet, you will benefit from a 20 $ discount.
By communicating us your email address when registering, you accept to receive by email all the administrative files related to your trip (registration confirmation, invoice, etc.).
Your deposit is theoretically calculated on the sale price based on the maximum number of participants. Tourism of the World sends you back a written registration confirmation. When registering to one of our trips, you do not beneficiate from a right of retraction.
The formalities (passport, identity card, visa) indicated by Tourism of the World on our website are given as an indication. Participants are required to check the formalities before departure; those could be modified without notice by the country’s authorities. Fifteen working days at the latest before departure, you will receive the final invoice.
The list of the planned accommodation will be sent to you about 8 days before departure. The rest of the payment has to be made at the latest 25 days before departure. For any registration less than 25 working days before departure, the client has to pay the whole price of the travel, whatever the registration modality is.
They are individually given and they are based on the hypothesis of a final number of participants.
Our prices never include arrival and departure lunches. They are established on the double-bedroom base, unless otherwise specified (optional extra for the single room). Visa fees are the responsibility of the client, unless otherwise specified. We will communicate you the final price 25 days at the latest before departure. We will calculate it according the price scales indicated on our website for each trip, according to the final number of participants.
Tourism of the World reserves the right to, in accordance with applicable laws, modify the price before departure in the following cases:
1 – Exchange rate variations
The cost of some terrestrial services is calculated in American Dollar at the rate of 1$=0,92 €: it will be adjusted to the day’s rate and will have an effect on the sale price.
The price will have the possibility, then, to be reviewed 25 days before departure, in this proportion, according to the official rate exchange 25 days before departure. By no means it can be a cancellation reason from the client.
2 – Insufficient number of participants
The minimum participants number is indicated for each program. If this number is not reached, Tourism of the World proposes 25 days before departure, if it is possible, the payment of an extra corresponding to the fees reassessment according to the final number of participants. Tourism of the World also proposes to postpone the travel at the indicated and proposed dates on our website. The third solution is the cancellation of the travel and if so, we will pay you back the total amount of the paid sums. Anyways, this cannot do subject to compensation for injury. For any travel, in case of the impossibility to find a person to share a double-bedroom, the single-room extra will be invoiced to the last person registering alone.
1 – From the client
The modifications requested by the client after registration will be done by Tourism of the World according to the possibilities, and can lead to an extra payment. Less than 25 days before departure, a date or tour change will be subject to cancellation fees, in compliance with the paragraph “cancellation”.
2 – From Tourism of the World
The conditions for a travel’s modification or cancellation from us are subject to the law number 92-645 of July 13 1992 and to the application decree number 94-490 of June 15 1994. In case of force majeure or for reasons beyond our control, the program can be modified but the integrality of the visits will be maintained. The client cannot be subject to compensation.
Your cancellation has to be transmitted to Tourism of the World by email 25 days before departure. The amount of the cancellation fee by person is the following:
- Until 60 days before departure: no fee
- From 59 to 21 days before departure: 25% of the total price
- From 20 to 8 days before departure: 50% of the total price
- From 7 to 3 days before departure: 75% of the total price
- Less than 3 days before departure: 100% of the total price
1 – Repatriation Assistance
No repatriation assistance is included in our prices. You are then not covered by any repatriation assistance from our responsibility. However, it is mandatory to subscribe to a medical assistance with the professional of your choice and to take the contract with you during the trip. In no case may Tourism of the World be responsible or bear the medical, repatriation or hospitalization costs.
2 – Luggage Insurance / Cancellation
The cancellation insurance and the luggage lost insurance are not included in our prices and in no case concerns Tourism of the World.
3 – Declaration
In the event of a disaster, if you have subscribed to cancellation insurance, you have to do yourself the declaration with your insurance provider within 5 working days. You have to do it following the event of the guaranty (cause of the cancellation) and to notify Tourism of the World within the same time period. This declaration has to take into account an explicative letter, your invoice, the doctor’s certificate (if necessary), the fees you had in the country (if necessary) and Tourism of the World cancellation fee invoice (if necessary). We will provide you the cancellation invoice as soon as we receive your written request.
Tourism of the World disclaims all responsibility concerning:
*The departure or return flights delays, the strikes or correspondence time changes, the airport changes (departure and return), and the financial consequence on the pre and post transports.
*The night hours that we sometimes get to know at the last minute, the flight and charters companies hours changes that consequently impinge on half a day or a meal.
*All the fees caused by those difficulties (taxi, hotel, meal, communications, transport prices change, meal not eaten, visit that did not happen, etc.).
*The meals that are not planned the departure or return day.
*The local guides that we would have to change before and/or during the trip.
*The tour guides and speakers that we would have to replace because of their withdrawal, mishaps or in case of force majeure, before or during the trip. Tourism of the World will do its best to replace them but in no case, it can be subject to compensation.
*The cases of force majeure (conflicts, civil wars, strikes, volcanic eruption, epidemic…).
*Traffic and access restrictions set up by the country’s authorities.
Any dispute will come under the jurisdiction of the Israeli courthouses.
Each client recognizes to be aware of some trip’s inherent risks, especially the ones causes by the remoteness and the distance from the medical centers (walks in the deserts for example), and some destinations, and has read the Ministry of Foreign Affair’s recommendations carefully and it is with awareness that he subscribes to one of our trips. Therefore, the client and his/her beneficiaries are committed not to blame Tourism of the World for those risks and by the simple fact of subscribing to one of our trips, they explicitly and formally renounce to any legal action against Tourism of the World.